If you don't know the person yet, please do not share your number or give away your social media handle.
Ghosting might feel personal, but it's not about you.
Feeling comfortable to be yourself around your partner is primarily a sign of being compatible with your partner.
A partner you get along with and who understands you brings tranquility of mind whereas an incompatible partner can drain you.
If you are among those people who prefer to jump into bed first and save the difficult conversations for later, then these times might not fancy you, cautions Ravi Mittal, founder, CEO, Quack Quack, an online dating app.
Maintain a safe distance from people who are reluctant to share their real names or photos with you, advises Ravi Mittal, founder, Quack Quack, an online dating app.
When women see your photos, they want to see you in different settings, doing different activities and just you being yourself.
Phone sex on a day to day basis in addition to exchange of saucy texts will keep the relationship electrifying and make your partner go nuts
Keep it simple as long as it is engaging and you are both enjoying texting each other back and forth.
Listen to what they are saying, notice their body language, be interested in their stories and do not talk just about yourself.
Don't ever prioritise pleasing the other person, says Ravi Mittal, CEO, Quack Quack, an online dating app. After all, you are looking for a relationship and not a raise at your job.
Never retaliate and write a nasty post in response as it will only make the situation worse, advises Ravi Mittal, founder of the dating app QuackQuack.
On a dating app, you have 0.5 seconds to decide whether you like someone enough before you go to their bio and connect with them, ays Ravi Mittal, founder of the dating app QuackQuack.
On the initial dates, avoid going somewhere private with your date, advises Ravi Mittal, founder, Quack Quack, an online dating app.